Monday, January 16, 2023

Leipzig - Natalie Hodges

These past few days in Leipzig have been fantastic! Our group arrived on January 13th & today was our last full day here; time has gone by too quickly! However, we did have some great experiences here in this small yet beautiful city.

Our first day consisted mostly of train travel, but we were lucky enough to attend an evening performance of the Gewandhaus Orchestra. It was certainly a treat to be able to sit back and relax from our busy day of travel and listen to the amazing talents of each musician. Afterwards, we were thankful to go back and rest for the night at our lovely hostel. 

The next day was our tour around Leipzig, provided by Silvio (a local of Leipzig). We were able to take pictures of the town hall, concert halls, churches, and memorials that were scattered around the city. At the end of our tour, we were able to go into the Bach Archives museum to learn more about the life of one of the world's most famous composers. After the museum, we were given an organ demonstration at the St. Thomas Church (the final resting place of Bach); and what was even nore exciting was that one of my classmates was allowed to play the organ for us! The rest of our evening was spent attending a performance of the Rachmaninov Ballet. The level of talent that the dancers had was indescribable. This was truly an amazing performance and was visually stunning the whole way through.

Sunday was mostly a free day for the class, so I decided to get lunch from Rizzi, a local pizzeria not far feom where we were staying, and spent the afternoon back in the room at the hostel. Having a day to rest was very helpful for my mind and body. Traveling takes a lot out of a person, so my advice to those traveling abroad, please put your health first and take as many breaks as you can! After a deserved rest, we attended the Armonia Ensemble performance that was just a short walk away from our hostel. This was a shorter and more intimate kind of show, but the music was fabulous!

The last day in Leipzig was another free day for us, so I was able to go to a local cat cafe for lunch with some of my classmates. The cats were so sweet and we loved the overall atmosphere of the restaurant! After lunch, we wandered around the city taking in the sights and even found some little shops around the town square. I was on the hunt for at least one souvenir and thankfully I noticed a shop that sold handmade wood figurines, so I couldn't resist when I saw a tiny bunny figure on the shelf!

Even though our time here was short, it was a lot of fun and I am fortunate to already have memories to carry with me for a lifetime. Tomorrow we travel to Prague, and I can't wait for what's in store!


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