Tuesday, January 31, 2023

LeighAnna - Vienna

 We've made our way to our third (and final) country: Austria!

Vienna was lovely. Some highlights included our tour at the Schönbrunn palace (where I felt like I was in Downton Abbey on steroids), the Kunsthistorisches Museum (which had a lot of incredible artwork including paintings by Vermeer, Rembrandt, and Raphael), and free tap water at restaurants! Seriously, my wallet has been hurting paying around 3 euro just for water every time we eat out, so free tap water has been a relief.

I've also loved the food here. I've been having a lot of soup since it's cheap but also because it's hot and I'm always in need of warming up after walking around outside so much. I get a lot of beef stews and potato soups, but every restaurant I go to has a completely different take on them so it hasn't gotten monotonous. My favorite so far was an amazing Austrian beef stew from a cafe our walking tour guide recommended. The stew had bits of pancake in it, which was unexpected but actually so delicious.

I had a fun little side quest to retrieve an iPhone from a woman named Cecelia whom I had never met. My sisters were traveling in Europe last summer and one of their phones was stolen, so I tried to mail a new one to Cecelia, the person they were staying with in Vienna. I sent it out in June, but it didn't arrive until October—long after my sisters had returned home. Luckily, I had plans to come to Vienna myself! When I mailed it out last year, I never expected that package to be in my hands again seven months later. But here we are, reunited at last! Mission accomplished.

I will close out with a picture of me and Beethoven being grumps together. Not sure I can quite compete with Beethoven, who is the reigning champ of grumpiness (I would say he even beats out Grumpy the dwarf), but I do my best. 

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