Monday, January 16, 2023

berlin, A historic wonder

 Berlin was a historians wonder and is one's dream. I found it completely different from how it was described to me, with most telling me how new everything was, I was afraid that there would be nothing to see or do. For a start, the Oprea Oceane was beautiful. the complexity of the plot and the performance was heart stopping as a first opera. as for Elija, it the epicenes and wonder stop one dead in their seat. The story of Elija is told through such an amazing medium that it's hard to imagine it through any other lens. the other parts were museum island, which had an amazing collection of world artifacts. the new synagogue provided a wonderful incite on Jewish life in berlin before and during the Nazi rule. the highlight was a tour of how the Germans had fell into the trap of national socialism. also, a visit to the berlin zoo led to this beautiful image of a Cheta. 

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