John Green once said something along the lines of Europe is not real. What we call Europe isn’t defined by plate faults or a large river or mountain range that splits it off from Asia. However, Europe is also very real because of humans. The European story is also the story of the world because the world and Europe are not different things. Europe is a concept invented and accepted by humans and is defined by them.
I only explored a very small part of the European continent but I also learned a lifetime of lessons from the three European countries I visited.
Music is a defining experience of humanity. Despite this class being called "Music Centers of the World" it only explores a tiny fraction of music created by humans. Nonetheless, it taught me that musical expression and moving your body are just as important as playing the write notes. I read this back and think about how maybe I could have realized this by watching a symphony on YouTube but I also realize that I didn’t. The ability to be there in concert halls watching performers move and feel the music made me realize I am not learning music correctly. I usually have to spend so much time learning notes that I don’t even think about expression until the last minute. I now realize that I can no longer play this way. I believe after this trip my ability to feel music has been improved.
I also learned that exploring the world should become a bigger aspect of my life. I haven’t traveled much outside of this class and when I do it’s usually within the United States and even within Washington. The world is too big not to experience more of it.
It’s often easy to forget why we go to college. The point of college is to find our place in the universe but this can become a side thought after a while. Finishing classes and filling in required credits for a major can turn college into something that just has to be finished like paperwork. However, I think going on this trip made me remember not to lose sight of why I’m in college. I’m here to find my place in the universe. I will remember my time in Europe for the rest of my life.
Flying over ice-capped mountains in Canada |
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