Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Maestra in Prague (Marie)

We started off strong in Prague with food poisoning and a badly dressed tram police officer forcing us off our tram and demanding we surrender our passports because in the two total minutes that we were on the tram, we weren't able to validate our tickets. Thankfully it all picked up from there, and Prague quickly proved to be a beautiful and highly enjoyable city.

It took us a while to get into the flow of Prague transit, but once we did we had some of our best experiences on this trip so far. We were lucky enough to drop by the Lobcowicz museum on a day when the original manuscripts for Beethoven's 3rd, 4th and 5th symphonies were all on display, along with Mozart's Don Giovanni, and even spotted a young member of the Lobcowicz family picking his way through the museum crowd near a balcony that overlooked the city. We then visited a Czech restaurant called "Kuchen," where I had some of the best food I've eaten in a long time for under $20 per person.

The next day we saw one of my favorite performances from the tour so far, Dvorak's Kate and the Devil opera, which had amazing soloists and quaint set design. That same night we went to a highly recommended Indian restaurant, walked straight through the middle of old town to admire the architecture, and visited an absinthe bar, or Absintherie, which I heard was an essential Prague experience. A pianist was playing live ragtime music, the shop was comfortable and the bar staff welcoming, and the walls were decorated with glass bottles.

Over all, Prague was a little tough to warm up to, but I hope to return someday with a bit of experience and many recommendations up my sleeve.

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