Sunday, January 22, 2023

Emma- Leipzig

Leipzig, the second stop on our trip, was incredible in ways I wasn't even expecting! I had heard a lot about Berlin before we went there and had even visited Berlin for a few days in the past, but I was fairly unfamiliar with what was in Leipzig. One thing that was really nice about Leipzig was how walkable the city is. Even after one day there, I felt like I was able to navigate my way around the city super easily even without the use of google maps. Leipzig had many of the same positives as Berlin, incredible food, music, and history, but it also felt more cozy and comfortable since it's smaller.

    Leipzig is an absolutely beautiful city, and we were able to see this really well because we got lucky enough to have some sunny blue sky days!! On one of these days, me and Sarah went up to the top of Panorama Tower to get a view of the city and it was totally stunning. We even happened to get there at sunset so the whole city was in gorgeous lighting. 

    Though, even from the ground, I can't get over how pretty Leipzig is. The style of architecture felt so authentically German and even the new buildings had such a unique and special feel to them. Like for instance the Leipzig University, which was built in the same spot as a church that was torn down. It is super modern, but they did a beautiful design and even paid homage to the original church design. 

    Leipzig was a really cute and quirky town. There were multiple cat cafes, which of course I visited and took a million pictures of all the cats. But even the museums were really unique and fun, like the Mendelson House, which included an interactive conducting exhibit and time period costumes! Leipzig was so charming and such a cute place. 

Next stop, Prague!!


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