Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Bygone Berlin with Lillian

    Getting lost in Berlin was inevitable. Finding our bus to the hostel was already tricky enough, would we be able to navigate the streets of Berlin? We rode the same escalator three times and it was very humorous to pass half of the group going down while the others were going up. 

The third and last time riding down the escalator

    I believe that in the 3 days in Berlin, the artistry stuck out to me the most. It has always occurred to me that as an American, I was somehow missing out on how others appreciate art, however being in Berlin, I found it all the more prevalent. Literally just the art on the Hostel walls made me feel oddly welcome. Staring at me with their big eyes, misshapen heads and buck teeth. The different colors stood out to me as well. There was hardly any monochrome in Berlin and when there was it was obviously there to portray a lack in society. (ie. Oceane) Color sparked throughout, especially in the Pergamon museum. This museum was definitely one of my favorites in Berlin. Artifacts and monuments really came to life and I realized that I was looking at the actual photos that most textbooks in school replicated. 

One of the many pictures of cows I took at the Pergamon

    One of my favorite nights in Berlin was coming back from Oceane and deciding to walk back after getting slightly confused about the Train system (this happened multiple times). Me, Lindsey, Aiden and Rosalyn found a statue of a bear and decided to go on a bear hunt. What we didn't know was that there was at least a dozen scattered throughout the streets and we spent around 2 hours taking photos with different colored bears. At the end of the bear hunt we found a bear with Big number ones scattered throughout its bear-person and then discovered we had unknowingly fallen for a tourist trap (not a bad thing), and that this particular bear was the first on the bear hunt. At the end of Bear expedition it was quite late and I was absolutely famished. We were unsuccessful for about half an hour wandering the streets of Berlin for food. Finally, when we just about ready to give up, a glowing sign, seemingly from the heavens, caught my eye. We walked through the doors of La Esperanza, and asked the waiter if they were open still, and he gracefully pointed to a table. The menu was filled with all kinds of illustrations and food options that practically nourished us by itself. While the rest of the party excused itself to the restroom, I quickly checked google to make sure that the restaurant was still open. it read:  Open 11am-12pm (Closed) My eyes darted up to the right corner of my phone illuminating the current time, 12:03. My palms quickly became sweaty as my stomach dropped to my toes. The waiter had assuredly beckoned us to the table just 5 minutes prior. Famished as I was, I decided to stay and become comfortable with our hosts hospitality. The food was absolutely amazing and though the Mojitos allegedly had pieces of glass in them, I would go back in a heartbeat. La Esperanza most definitely was our hope that night, and I hope to get to eat there again on my next visit to Berlin. 

The only photo on my camera from the Bear expedition.

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