Monday, January 16, 2023


Having been running around Berlin and now Leipzig all day long, everyday for the last week, my brain is a little full - so instead I'm taking photos to remember the moments that I'm especially enjoying (and even some mundane ones). Instead of chronicling about what exactly I did in Berlin with the class, I've decided to just attach memories to photos that were taken - one night in particular.

Lillian and I both wanted to take a picture at the Berlin Philharmonic to commemorate what an EPIC performance of Mendelssohn's Elijah took place in that hall that night. When we walked in and checked our coats, Lillian said we looked like Marceline and Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time. We only had about twenty minutes until the performance started, but because it was the Berlin Phil, we decided to "ball out" and get this amazing raspberry champagne wine that was being served in the lobby. Sitting through the performance was incredibly moving and inspiring, and altogether the night was made magical by the precision and musicality that those artists brought to the stage that night.

After seeing the performance, a few of us were headed back to the hostel and got a bit separated. The group left behind (Lillian, Aidan, Roslyn and I) decided that going for a meal and a drink sounded like a good idea. We wandered around for a solid hour and a half looking for the bear statues of Berlin, which we often found outside of hotels. While searching for Bearlin, we also found a gigantic 24hr bookstore that seemed to be attached to an indoor garden. So essentially we found my idea of heaven in Berlin. Once the four of us finally made it to the neighborhood of our hostel, we started looking for a restaurant that was still open. We walked into La Esperanza (a tapas bar) at about 11:50pm (23:50) and the owner was kind enough to stay open for us to eat. The kitchen was closed, so he allowed us to order drinks, tapas, and easy to make meals. First he brought out the tastiest mojitos for us to enjoy (the sugar at the bottom might've been glass but we don't talk about Bruno), and then brought our amazing food. All the while, there was an incredibly loud, drunk man ranting about whatever wild story and reaction he was having to someone (I think he mentioned something about killing someone and then writing a book about it- but I can't be entirely sure). The owner and I laughed and looked at each other while he went on about it. 

Once we got back in, I was swamped and finally put myself to bed for a restless night of sleep. I think I struggle to sleep here because I'm too excited about what's to come for the next day.

Some other highlights...

Just a fun little artsy picture from our night of wandering.

More Bearlin, but the next day. I think the upside-down bears were my favorite, and this one was so beautifully decorated!

During an amazing tour by Jesse (if ya know ya know), we stopped by the thought provoking Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. Experiencing it by walking through is truly the only way to fully understand it.

The beautiful Berliner Dom (Berlin Dome), which was a gorgeous non-denominational church that was on the Museum Island. Always a fan of the Morovian stars around Germany so far.

The Pergamon museum completely blew me away. I've studied about many of the artifacts held in that space, and it was so exciting to see them in person.

Lillian and I made  a hopeful promise to sing together at the Deutsche Staatsoper someday.

The Nueue Synagogue was on its own, a beautiful and important landmark. Having another tour by Jesse, the Museum's Education and Outreach Director, enriched the experience so much more.

Anika and I shared a delicious baguette in the airport and cried about how good the fast food was in comparison to the absolute garbage we eat in the States.

Ryan, Emma, LeighAnna, Lillian, and I got to explore St. Mary's Kirche, saw the fountain, and then wandered around a market in Alexsanderplatz. I got a new pair of handmade earrings and a new ring. It was a beautiful day of exploring - even if it was FREEEEEEEZING outside!

On to Leipzig...

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